


  Simple PHP Git deploy script

  if (SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN === 'BetterChangeMeNowOrSufferTheConsequences') {

You're suffering the consequences!
Change the SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN from it's default value!

"); } ?>
    Checking the environment ...
    Running as .
    BACKUP_DIR `%s` does not exists or is not writeable.

', BACKUP_DIR)); } } if (defined('USE_COMPOSER') && USE_COMPOSER === true) { $requiredBinaries[] = 'composer --no-ansi'; } foreach ($requiredBinaries as $command) { $path = trim(shell_exec('which '.$command)); if ($path == '') { die(sprintf('

%s not available. It needs to be installed on the server for this script to work.

', $command)); } else { $version = explode("\n", shell_exec($command.' --version')); printf('%s : %s'."\n" , $path , $version[0] ); } } ?> Environment OK. Deploying to ... %s' , TMP_DIR , TMP_DIR , VERSION_FILE ); } // Backup the TARGET_DIR // without the BACKUP_DIR for the case when it's inside the TARGET_DIR if (defined('BACKUP_DIR') && BACKUP_DIR !== false) { $commands[] = sprintf( "tar --exclude='%s*' -czf %s/%s-%s-%s.tar.gz %s*" , BACKUP_DIR , BACKUP_DIR , basename(TARGET_DIR) , md5(TARGET_DIR) , date('YmdHis') , TARGET_DIR // We're backing up this directory into BACKUP_DIR ); } // Invoke composer if (defined('USE_COMPOSER') && USE_COMPOSER === true) { $commands[] = sprintf( 'composer --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-progress --working-dir=%s install %s' , TMP_DIR , (defined('COMPOSER_OPTIONS')) ? COMPOSER_OPTIONS : '' ); if (defined('COMPOSER_HOME') && is_dir(COMPOSER_HOME)) { putenv('COMPOSER_HOME='.COMPOSER_HOME); } } // ==================================================[ Deployment ]=== // Compile exclude parameters $exclude = ''; foreach (unserialize(EXCLUDE) as $exc) { $exclude .= ' --exclude='.$exc; } // Deployment command $commands[] = sprintf( 'rsync -rltgoDzvO %s %s %s %s' , TMP_DIR , TARGET_DIR , (DELETE_FILES) ? '--delete-after' : '' , $exclude ); // =======================================[ Post-Deployment steps ]=== // Remove the TMP_DIR (depends on CLEAN_UP) if (CLEAN_UP) { $commands['cleanup'] = sprintf( 'rm -rf %s' , TMP_DIR ); } // =======================================[ Run the command steps ]=== $output = ''; foreach ($commands as $command) { set_time_limit(TIME_LIMIT); // Reset the time limit for each command if (file_exists(TMP_DIR) && is_dir(TMP_DIR)) { chdir(TMP_DIR); // Ensure that we're in the right directory } $tmp = array(); exec($command.' 2>&1', $tmp, $return_code); // Execute the command // Output the result printf(' $ %s


' , htmlentities(trim($command)) , htmlentities(trim(implode("\n", $tmp))) ); $output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_flush(); // Try to output everything as it happens // Error handling and cleanup if ($return_code !== 0) { printf('

Error encountered! Stopping the script to prevent possible data loss. CHECK THE DATA IN YOUR TARGET DIR!

' ); if (CLEAN_UP) { $tmp = shell_exec($commands['cleanup']); printf(' Cleaning up temporary files ... $ %s


' , htmlentities(trim($commands['cleanup'])) , htmlentities(trim($tmp)) ); } $error = sprintf( 'Deployment error on %s using %s!' , $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] , __FILE__ ); error_log($error); if (EMAIL_ON_ERROR) { $output .= ob_get_contents(); $headers = array(); $headers[] = sprintf('From: Simple PHP Git deploy script ', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $headers[] = sprintf('X-Mailer: PHP/%s', phpversion()); mail(EMAIL_ON_ERROR, $error, strip_tags(trim($output)), implode("\r\n", $headers)); } break; } } ?> Done.

www.phpzy.comtrue/phpyy/49077.htmlTechArticle通过PHP脚本自动部署GIT项目-PHP源码 deploy.php Simple PHP Git deploy script ACCESS DENIED! ); } if (SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN === BetterChangeMeNowOrSufferTheConsequences) { die(" Youre suffering the consequences! Change the SECRET_ACC...


